Frank-Ringo Gutacker was born 1974 on September the 25th in Berlin. He grew up in the former German Democratic Republic.
After the political turnaround in Germany and in the sense of family tradition he dabbled as a baker but a short time later he went to the navy. During his navy period of eight years he worked in several places all over the world. He traveled through Scandinavia, France, Ireland, Canada, and the Caribbean.
He managed his own IT project office in Flensburg and conducted successful missions up to large-scale enterprise level until the birth of his daughter Shanice in 2003.
Contemporaneously he worked on his photography skills since his 12th birthday. He started with results of his small darkroom and an analogue Beirette camera. Later he convinced with miraculous colorful photographs. Most of them were created with modern DSLR cameras and retouched using special digital techniques.